Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Contacts with JETAA Portland

In my quest to find answers to many questions, I found the website of JETAA Portland. This is a local chapter of the national JETAA (JET Alumni Association). They have several events each month, and I contacted their executive staff and asked if it was possible to attend the events and ask some questions.

I was contacted by their president Stephanie, and she invited me to their J-Kaiwa (pronounced "Oei-kaiwa") night held on the first Friday of each month. I will definitely be attending.

1 comment:

starduest~ said...

hi! i was gonna set up a blog regarding the jet programme when i discovered that the address i wanted was already in use by u! heh.

u're applying to go to japan in 2009? here's wishing you all the best!! :)